We are pleased to return to the Hilton Washington-Dulles Hotel for 2025. The management and staff of the Hilton are enthused to work with our group and their service and cooperation has been without equal. We will maintain the all room-to-room format with no trade floor. It works out very well with the over-sized rooms. I recommend that you bring or reserve tables from the hotel at $10 each - for the length of your stay as you will have room to set them up. (Probably the largest rooms I have been in at any show or CANvention). Like last year, we will be on 2 floors with overflow on a 3rd. There are close to 90 rooms on a floor. There will be 2 beer stations plus the Hospitality Room #322 on the 3rd floor. This years plans include a continued involvement by the Capital City Chapter with hospitality and a raffle.
Hotel Reservations due by January 13, 2025
To assure a room on the SHOW FLOORS. Reserve rooms directly with the Hilton using the dedicated Blue-Gray Show link, or call the hotel directly and specify Blue-Gray Show. All rooms will be assigned by the show administrator. Please specify your requests on the registration form. A Saturday night stay is required to be assigned to a premium location, or over-sized King Jr. Suite room.
Pre-registration deadline is February. 1, 2025
Pre-registered attendees are $35 for entry for the entire weekend which included the hospitality, pizza, coffee and donuts, soda and snacks. Pre-registered family members are $10.00 which includes hospitality.
Walk-ins and Guests: $15.00 per day at the door or $35 for the week-end. Friday registration: $30 for Friday and Saturday which includes hospitality.
On-site lodging notes
Saturday night stay at the Hilton Washington Dulles Airport is recommended so we can meet our guaranteed room block and keep the rates down for next year. Due to a large number of collectors in attendance early registration is suggested. We have 180 rooms blocked on the 3rd and 4th floors with option/overflow on the 2nd floor.
> Download a registration form here.